Trio Op. 114, I


Hora Staccato





Kalevi Aho

see more solo appearances on my concerto page

Schultz performs Weber, First Clarinet Concerto with the Florence Symphony Orchestra

the REPRESENTatoire project
recital and talkback
with iconic composer, Valerie Coleman:

Portraits of Langston, Valerie Coleman

Recital Talkback: Repertoire and Representation

El Puerto Rico commissioning project as featured on NPR and produced by WGBH Boston:

featured on Classical Radio Boston:


Here are some highlights from our live from studio concert at WGBH Boston:

Skip to 6:04 for a special clarinet solo!

Skip to 10:12 for an intense moment with bomba drummers and dancer!

Please stay tuned for the album release in 2024!


The pandemic did not stop us from creating music.

Here are some clips from another commissioning project, “Identity,” which was distance recorded and aired on New England Public Media in the height of the pandemic:

As a “project-oriented” artist, everything I do serves a broader purpose beyond the music.


see what I’m up to now on instagram @ericschultzclarinet

learn more about my debut solo album POLYGLOT coming out in 2024